A safe return to school

Welcome back to the school year! We’re excited for another big year of learning at Newstead College.


We know that this year feels very different to last with COVID-19 in the community, but we want to reassure parents that we’re doing all we can to provide a safe learning environment.


Proactive measures are in place at our school, including:

  • frequent cleaning and increased hygiene practices
  • vaccination of all Department of Education staff, volunteers and contractors
  • wearing face masks indoors by all staff and secondary school students
  • increased ventilation in classrooms
  • use of outdoor learning areas.


RATs and masks

Students will also be given COVID-19 care packs that include rapid antigen tests (RATs), face masks and useful information. Please know that additional face masks and RATs will be provided (up to two per week) if requested for the first five weeks of term. Please request additional RATs as you use them. 


To keep our sites COVID-safe, if your child has symptoms and you have run out of school issued RATs, we ask that you don’t attend school to collect a RAT. Instead contact the Tasmanian Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738.


Entering school sites

We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers onto school sites, however, you must follow these COVID-safe measures:

  • only enter if you’re feeling well
  • limit your time onsite
  • wear a face mask (exemptions apply)
  • frequent handwashing and hand sanitising
  • physical distance of 1.5 metres between adults
  • check in using Check in Tas app.


A RAT is not required to enter the school if you have no symptoms. Stop, Drop and Go is preferred (dropping your child at the gate to limit adults on site), but we understand this is not always appropriate.


Thank you for your patience and kindness towards our staff as we navigate these changes together. We will continually update you of any changes, and appreciate your flexibility during this time. Our top priority is providing a safe learning environment for your children.


If you’re wanting to know more information, please refer to the frequently asked questions for parents and carers and Department of Education COVID-19 website.


If you still have a question, please talk to the school office or contact the Department of Education COVID Support Hotline at COVID19support@education.tas.gov.au or on 1800 816 057.



Dianne Freeman

Principal – Newstead College