Subjects & Enrolments

Enrolment and subject selection

The Newstead College transition teams visit high schools to discuss general information about the TCE, ATARs and subject offerings at the College. Open Day and other visits to the College will allow you to learn more about our subjects and assist you to make informed decisions about which subjects to enrol in for Years 11 and 12.

We know that making subject choices can be difficult and our friendly, supportive and knowledgeable staff will assist you in making these decisions. Prior to enrolling at Newstead College, you can speak to your high school teachers to seek advice on appropriate subject selection and level based on your interests, skills and abilities. As part of the enrolment process, you will work with a teacher who will enrol you in subjects which ensure you attain your Tasmanian Certificate of Education and other certifications (ATAR or VET) which are appropriate to your future pathway. Your parents are encouraged to attend your enrolment appointment.

Once you have completed the enrolment process, you will receive enrolment confirmation information which details your course. If you wish to make changes to this course we will provide time for this to occur.

Family Information Evenings

Prospective students and their parents/carers are invited to attend an information evenings held throughout the year. These dates are advertised on our homepage and social media pages. These sessions allow you to meet the Principal and teachers and receive further information about our curriculum offerings, TCE, ATAR, tutorial programs and student support services.

Course selection information

Our curriculum covers an extensive range of TASC, VET and UTAS courses. We place emphasis on both academic and vocational pathways and work closely with the University of Tasmania and industry. Many students combine academic subjects with a vocational program.

At Newstead College, we offer:

  • Level 3/4 subjects These subjects are the highest level at which students can study and are necessary for university entrance.
  • Level 2 subjects These are often called foundation subjects. They are studied as a background for Level 3 or can be taken to develop skills and knowledge in an area.
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) Programs VET Certificate programs are nationally accredited. Generally these programs take up two lines of study.
  • University Connections Program (UCP) subjects Subjects written by UTAS available to students to study alongside their TASC subjects. These often also give students credit points to a university degree.
  • High Achiever Program (HAP) units Only available to students via application. Students study first-year UTAS units as part of their studies. All units gain TCE and ATAR points and can be considered for credit into a university degree.

Frequently asked questions

How many subjects should I enrol into?

Although the timetable allows you to enrol into five subjects, full-time students usually take four subjects in Year 11 (depending on the number of Level 3 subjects) and four subjects in Year 12. Therefore, students will usually have one line of non-timetabled classes a week. This time allows students to study, finish assignments, seek assistance from teachers and complete revision.

Are there subjects which cater for my needs and ability?

We offer a wide range of subjects and programs which cater to a broad range of student needs and abilities. Our course counsellors will match your subject selection to your abilities, interests and career goals.

What subjects should I enrol in if I want to go to university?

To qualify for entrance to university you are required to complete at least four Level 3/4 subjects. However, to maximise your chances of being accepted into your chosen degree you should complete at least five Level 3/4 subjects over two years.

You may also like to consider UTAS subjects that, in addition to TCE credit points and ATAR calculations, may also be considered for credit into a university degree of your choosing. See the Course Guide for more information

How many Level 3 subjects should I take in Year 11?

You should study at least two pre-tertiary (Level 3 or 4) subjects in Year 11, if you are on a pre-tertiary pathway, but you may choose to study three or four. Only your two best scores from Year 11 count towards an ATAR. When enrolling in Level 3 subjects, choose subjects that you have strong results in from high school and that make sense for your chosen career or are pre-requisites for your university degree. You will then choose additional Level 2 subjects as a foundation to prepare for academic success in Level 3 or Level 4 subjects in Year 12. Alternatively, you can combine a VET program with Level 3 or Level 4 subjects.

Will I have to sit exams?

Most Level 3, and all Level 4 subjects, have an exam at mid-year and at the end of the year in addition to course work throughout the year. Other subjects have tests and assignments during the year as part of their assessment. Some subjects require folios of work, independent studies or practical exams. Our course counsellors can provide information about which type of assessment is required for each subject.

What is a VET program?

Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs focus on providing you with skills for the workplace. VET qualifications can assist you to enter the workforce or serve as a pathway to further education. If you are keen on finding employment and enjoy engaging in learning that is practical and ‘hands on’ you may wish to study one (or more) of the nationally recognised VET certificates we offer. VET programs usually include work placements which are valuable experiences.

Can I do a VET program and other subjects at the same time?

You can combine your VET program with other subjects at Level 2, 3 or 4 to achieve your intended pathway. Combining a VET program with Level 3 or 4 subjects will allow you to find out more about work whilst leaving your options open for further study at university.